Click "Upload from local" to open
the local folder, select the jpg and png portrait photos in the folder.
Note: Portrait photo specifications
1. Please choose a front-and-bareheaded photo in
the past three months, with clear and even-light image.
Register from device
"Register from Device" to open the Select Device window and select an
online device. Once determined, the device will enter the .
photo state. After
the photo is taken and verified, the photo will be sent back here from the
Steps: In the [Employee list], click the "Add in Bulk
- Information Import in Bulk" button.
First step click "Download Template".
Download the excel template file to your computer with the file name
"Personnel_import_template.xls". Then fill in the employee
information in bulk.
In the second step, click "Upload excel file". Select the excel file with the employee information
filled in and upload it. If the file is uploaded successfully, the upload
success status and file name will be displayed.
In the third step, click "Start import". During the import,
there will be a progress bar showing "Importing personnel information (1 /
total number of people)". After the import is completed, it prompts
"Successful batch import of personnel information". After the import
is completed, return to the [Person List] to view the imported personnel information.
Import without overwriting: When importing a file two or more times,
duplicate employees are not imported. And the system will prompt abnormal
duplicate information.
Overwrite import: The second import will overwrite the information of the
employee that was imported for the first time without prompting for duplicate information.
Description of import failure exception
· The content or format of the uploaded excel file is incorrect and does not meet the template specifications. Click to start the import, and a prompt will appear: "The file content or format is incorrect. Please fill in the employee information according to the template requirements.
Steps: In the [Employee list], click the "Add in bulk
- Portrait import in bulk".
Step 1 click "Zip file selection" to open the Select Folder window
and select the file upload. After the file upload is successful, the current
file storage path is displayed.
Step 2 click "Start Import", and a progress bar will be displayed
during the import: the number of imported files / the total number of folders.
And there will be a prompt message: x sheets have been successfully imported; x
sheets failed. After the import is complete, the progress bar displays: The
portrait photos in this folder have been imported.
[Portrait file naming] The naming of the portrait file needs to
correspond to the personnel ID. After
the upload is successful, the corresponding person portrait information can be
viewed in the person list.
[Format and size] Only two file formats of jpg and png are supported, and
the size of each portrait file must not exceed 500k. Files that do not meet the
requirements will not be imported.
[Portrait Restriction] Faces need to account for more than 1/3 of the
photo. Please choose a front-faceless
photo in the past three months. The avatar is clear, and the light is uniform.
Avoid the avatar cannot be used for face recognition.
portrait photos in the specified
folder and select the folder to import.
of failed portrait import
If the size of an image file does not meet the
requirements, the import will fail. After that, a table will appear to display
the information of the portrait file that has not been successfully imported.
After modification, you can re-import.
In [Employee
list], click the "Export" button to export all employee information
in the list to the file "Employee Information.xls" and download it.
In [Employee
list], click the "Refresh" button to refresh all employee information
in the list to the latest state.
Employee details
In [Employee
list], after corresponding employee information, click the "Employee
details" button, you can enter the details page to view specific employee
On the details
page, click the edit button to modify the employee's basic information and
photo information. After modifying the information, click Save.
grouping uses the organizational structure grouping by default. There is a
default employee grouping under each user group. You can add, modify, or delete employee groupings on the user
group by yourself. The operation is similar to the user grouping in [Group Structure].
Visitor management is used to view, add, edit, and export visitor
1) In [Visitor Management], click the "Single Add" button to enter the visitor adding page.
2) Fill in the visitor ID, name, gender, affiliation group, mobile phone number, ID card number, IC card number, ethnicity, nationality, date of birth, contact address and remarks, add face recognition photos and click "Save" to complete the visitor operating.
Click "Upload from local" to open the local folder, select the jpg and png portrait photos in the folder.
Note: Portrait photo specifications
1. Please choose a front-and-bareheaded photo in the past three months, with clear and even-light image.
2. The recommended size is 640 px * 480 px, and the size does not exceed 500kb. Only jpg and png file are supported.
3. Faces should account for more than 1/3 of the photo, avoiding photo blurring, wearing sunglasses, excessive facial-up, and head rotations.
Click "Register from Device" to open the Select Device window and select an online device. Once determined, the device will enter the photo state. After the photo is taken and verified, the photo will be sent back here from the client.
In [Visitor management], click the "Export" button to export all visitor information in the list to the file "Visitor information.xls" and download it.
In [Visitor management], click the "Refresh" button to refresh all visitor information in the list to the latest state.
In [Visitor management], after corresponding visitor information, click the "Visitor details" button to enter the details page to view specific visitor information.
On the details page, click the edit button to modify the visitor's basic information and photo information. After modifying the information, click Save.
Guest grouping uses the organizational structure grouping by default. Each user group has a default guest grouping, which can add, modify, and delete guest groups on the user grouping. The operation is similar to the user grouping in the [Group structure], which is not described in detail.
Blacklist management is used to view, add, edit, and export blacklist information.
1) In [Blacklist management], click the "Single Add" button to enter the blacklist addition page.
2) Fill in the blacklist ID, name, gender, belonging group, phone number, ID card number, IC card number, ethnicity, birthplace, date of birth, contact address and remarks. Add face recognition photos and click "Save" to complete the blacklist create operation.
Click "Upload from local" to open the local folder, select the jpg and png portrait photos in the folder.
Note: Portrait photo specifications
1. Please choose a front-and-bareheaded photo in the past three months, with clear and even-light image.
2. The recommended size is 640 px * 480 px, and the size does not exceed 500kb. Only jpg and png file are supported.
3. Faces should account for more than 1/3 of the photo, avoiding photo blurring, wearing sunglasses, excessive facial-up, and head rotations.
In [Blacklist management], click the "Export" button to export all the blacklist information in the list to the file "Blacklist information.xls" and download it.
In [Blacklist management], click the "Refresh" button to refresh all the blacklist information in the list to the latest state.
In [Blacklist management], after corresponding to the blacklist information, click the "Blacklist details" button to enter the details page to view the specific blacklist information.
On the details page, click the edit button to modify the basic information and photo information of the blacklist. After modifying the information, click Save.
The blacklist group uses the organizational structure group by default. Each user group has a default blacklist group. You can add, modify, and delete blacklist groups on the user group. The operation is similar to the user grouping in [Group Structure].